Easily Allocate Budget for Digital Marketing Campaigns

Easily Allocate Budget for Digital Marketing Campaign

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Easily Allocate Budget for Digital Marketing Campaign

Easily Allocate Budget for Digital Marketing Campaign

Do you think or imagine that Digital Marketing is now a trending topic? Of course yes, the growing Globalization is generating a digital world while performing more cost-effective ways in less time.

Digital marketing in other words inbound marketing is trending for sales, promotions, and advertising campaigns to enhance and grow the business. It is often an economical option compared to traditional marketing. It permits companies to contest with each other over this medium, despite their size or their marketing budgets.

A digital marketing campaign aims to spend efficiently and proficiently. An advertising and social media campaign should be fuel for a call to action. Let’s think about how brands can spend less but still reach out to a great number of audiences. A call to action can be a video on nstagram, or Twitter with hashtags, selfie. By doing this, they were able to create a bell and get their fans involved and interacting.

‘Business has only two functions-marketing and innovation’ According to French writer Milan Kundera. Don’t you believe that’s true? Marketing is just as important as Innovation for all kinds of businesses, irrespective of their size or finance. Founders must allocate a budget not only for hiring a competent team, operational costs, etc. but should also consider how much money a startup should spend on marketing.

Is your budget digital marketing friendly?

Is a smart and easy budget allocation can promote digital marketing?

All are set out when the budget is on the right allocation. The right allocation the promotion of business. Digital Marketing – an efficient marketing strategy can develop your business while social media campaigns, advertising campaigns, and miscellaneous.

A smart allocation of budget for digital marketing means improvement of the percentage of sales. The marketing budget should be efficient and effective. Furthermore, the division of the marketing budget can clarify the targeted aspects.

The further you put in a budget, the more it will pace up things.Invest a little bit and see what happens, keep on tracking all the stuff you have invested and then see which one brings what. This will help you in the proper division and allocation of your resources.

determine the ideal marketing budget for your business

If you’re interested to recognize how to determine the ideal marketing budget for your business, there are some items to consider. First of all, you must settle and understand milestones for digital marketing budget allocation.

Your Goals

The key goal of each digital marketing approach is to increase sales, both in tactical and strategic terms. In the short term, sales can be increased by running advertising campaigns, such as Pay Per Click or Facebook ads. However, you need brand recognition and awareness else if you want to grow purposefully. So, your digital marketing has two major goals.

  • To growing your business sales
  • Your Brand/Company Awareness


According to CoSchedule, marketers who set vibrant goals for their businesses are effective in their marketing endeavors. Having clear goals for the year helps you rank and have an organized budget. By having very specific and smart goals in marketing will help you eloquent your budget. It’ll help you emphasis on the areas that need more consideration and help you select which areas you need to eliminate from your budget.

Your costs

The cost calculation is an important tool for budget allocation for social media campaigns, advertising campaign budgets, and new strategies. Social media means (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and other networks).

According to Criteo, it made them invest more in social media (47%) website/content marketing (44%) and advertising more on retail apps and websites (43%). What you’ll spend and what will be the return? It’s an important key point to consider for budget allocation.

You must clearly estimate and calculate your costs to set out the new milestones for the concerned business.

Your options Review

First, you must evaluate the existing options and select which ones work best, efficiently, and successfully for your business. As you are going to easily allocate a budget for digital marketing.

Recognize your business goals and take the options that help you meet them. For instance, if you’re currently marketing on Facebook so you must promote your Facebook page with paid ads. Find out which digital marketing keys request from your audience and capitalize on them.

After option selecting the approaches and strategies most suitable for your business, understand how much each tactic will cost you. Based on the price tag of each strategy and its suitability for your audience, you can allocate your digital marketing budget.

Effective and efficient marketing needs sufficient high-quality content, including everything from text on your web pages (more pages like each product have a separate page, each description with a separate page means a clear and smooth pathway for fruitful SEO) and blogs to image and video content on various platforms.

Your past results Review

Past results and experiences are clearing factors to put investment in the right digital marketing budget allocation. In other words, you can evaluate even a single past activity for better improvement.

For example, if one allocated a budget on YouTube instead of promoting Facebook page and LinkedIn premium so it means one mislead his/her digital marketing journey. There should be a balanced digital marketing budget allocation according to current trends.

If we look out at a study done by an E-marketer who shows Social media ad spending is expected to reach an astounding $56 billion in 2022.

According to this survey published by Statista in August 2021; Facebook signified the largest share of that paid social pie, with 93% of marketers presently capitalizing on Facebook. That is compared to 91% reported in 2019 when 26% of survey respondents reported that they planned to spend less on Facebook in the coming year.

It appears that despite controversy and changes to the platform, Facebook remains a platform where almost all marketers are paying to play. Instagram, by comparison, saw an increase in usage from 69% in 2019 to 78% in 2021. In the B2B space, LinkedIn has come on robust, rising from 45% usage in 2019 to 61% in 2021.

Easy Marketing Budget Allocation

How much and how investment or capital should you intend to spend on digital marketing?

This question should guide you to allocate funds to your digital marketing strategies.
Your digital marketing spend should be anywhere between 7-10% of your net profit, depending on how much you make. (US Small Business Administration)
After settling down all the strategies and approaches you’ll be using, allocate budget some money to each. Give importance to strategies that have worked in the past. Allocate the least revenue to the strategies you’ve tried and failed in the past.

  1. The 70-20-10 rule is better when allocating money to your strategies. 70% of your budget should go to strategies that work for you.
  2. Utilize 20% of your budget on the new strategies you’re announcing to your business.
  3. You may spend the remaining 10% of your digital marketing budget to experiment with new strategies you find along the way.


Align all campaigns to your business goals and objectives. Remember, no single tactic works for all businesses. Your strategies will differ depending on your industry and expertise. You can only provide for expenses you can afford.

Always work within your allocated budget so you don’t end up bleeding out your business.

According to the spending survey 2022 by Gartner, “The State of Marketing Budget and Strategy 2022” report, statistics recommended that the majority of digital marketing spend (60%) is now allocated to paid channels. Specifically, 10.1% goes toward social advertising, while 9.8% is dedicated to searching advertising. Approximately 9.3% is invested in digital display advertising as well.


 In all the above surveys and studies, now what should be an easy budget allocation for my Digital Marketing? What should my marketing budget be? How to allocate a budget for digital marketing?

First of all, see your revenues and capital to which you’ll allocate. Then what is the volume and capacity of your company and business? Categorize spending into paid and non-paid channels. Like if you are using Facebook so you’ll only pay the bills. Furthermore, if you’ll promote your Facebook page so you must pay. That will boost your company or business through paid ads.

In surveys, we can see and observe that Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram are kept on increasing trends. The social media campaign budget should be 50% whereas Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn Premium are more powerful tools. The budget for the advertising campaign should be 25%. Rest 25% of the budget should be for new strategies and plans for further development.

The marketing percentage of sales can be calculated while evaluating your annual sales figure with a forecast for the estimated growth of your business. For example, last year your business’s annual sales reached 60%. It’s a based figure to estimate the growth forecast for the coming year. As your business achieved 60% of sales, so the best way is how to fulfill the requirements to maximize the sales percentage.

Here, I strongly recommended the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis for your business. You can use this formula to forecast sales.

Current Sales (1+ Growth Rate /100) = Forecasted Sales (Hubspot)


Budget allocation successfully means better marketing percentage of sales. Mock-up offers can improve and grow your business such as there should be a quick call of action and buying intent by the audience.

Another key and important factor is SEO management. Higher your website ranking the higher the traffic you’ll acquire. Once you’ve defined your budget and put your plan into action review it consistently to analyze whether your spending is achieving the goals you set. (Jessica Horvath, BDC Business Consultant). Keep track of costs and adjust frequently, in other words, keep monitoring and evaluating keenly.

Your Goals

Your Goals

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